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Forecast for Mahomet, Illinois, USA
Today Tonight Sunday Sunday night Monday Monday night Tuesday Tuesday night
0 30 0 30 16 15 15 16
Sunny Clear Sunny Clear Chance of flurries Chance of flurries or rain showers Chance of flurries or rain showers Chance of flurries
23° 25° 19° 36° 32° 37° 28°
        40% snow 70% 40% 30% snow
19 mph
12 mph
East East
3 mph

Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind UV Humidity
Today 0 23°  NNE19 mph UV index 1 or low. 65 %
Sunny. Wind northwest 20 km/h gusting to 40. High minus 5. Wind chill near minus 16. UV index 1 or low.
Tonight 30   NNE12 mph 60 %
Clear. Wind northwest 20 km/h becoming light early this evening. Low minus 13. Wind chill near minus 16.
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind UV Humidity
Sunday 0 25°  East3 mph 55 %
Sunny. Wind up to 15 km/h. High minus 4. Wind chill minus 16 in the morning and minus 6 in the afternoon.
Sunday night 30 19°  60 %
Clear. Low minus 7.
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind UV Humidity
Monday 16 36°40% snow 80 %
Cloudy with 40 percent chance of flurries. High plus 2.
Monday night 15 32°70% 95 %
Cloudy with 70 percent chance of flurries or rain showers. Low zero.
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind UV Humidity
Tuesday 15 37°40% 95 %
Cloudy with 40 percent chance of flurries or rain showers. High plus 3.
Tuesday night 16 28°30% snow 100 %
Cloudy with 30 percent chance of flurries. Low minus 2.
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind UV Humidity
Wednesday 10 36°  80 %
Cloudy. High plus 2.
Wednesday night 10 30°  90 %
Cloudy. Low minus 1.
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind UV Humidity
Thursday 10 39°  80 %
Cloudy. High plus 4.
Thursday night 12 36°30% rain 80 %
Cloudy with 30 percent chance of showers. Low plus 2.
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind UV Humidity
Friday 12 43°30% rain 70 %
Cloudy with 30 percent chance of showers. High 6.
Weather forecast data: Environment Canada. Scripts by Wim van der Kuil
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind
07 - 08 0 Sunny 21° 0
19 mph
08 - 09 0 Sunny 21° 0
19 mph
09 - 10 0 Sunny 23° 40
12 mph
10 - 11 1 Mainly sunny 23° 40
12 mph
11 - 12 0 Sunny 23° 0
12 mph
12 - 13 0 Sunny 23° 0
12 mph
13 - 14 0 Sunny 23° 0
12 mph
14 - 15 0 Sunny 21° 0
12 mph
15 - 16 0 Sunny 21° 0
12 mph
16 - 17 30 Clear 19° 0
12 mph
17 - 18 30 Clear 18° 0
12 mph
18 - 19 30 Clear 16° Low
6 mph
19 - 20 30 Clear 16° Low
6 mph
20 - 21 30 Clear 14° Low
6 mph
21 - 22 30 Clear 14° Low
6 mph
22 - 23 30 Clear 14° Low
6 mph
23 - 00 30 Clear 12° Low
3 mph
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind
00 - 01 30 Clear 12° Low
3 mph
01 - 02 30 Clear 12° Low
3 mph
02 - 03 30 Clear 10° Low
3 mph
03 - 04 30 Clear 10° Low
3 mph
04 - 05 30 Clear 10° Low
3 mph
05 - 06 30 Clear Low
3 mph
06 - 07 30 Clear 3 mph
unknown error

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